Run Script or Command as Admin in Powershell

A coworker of mine was writing a script to simplify some configuration items on some servers, and he ran into a snag.  If you’ve worked in IT for at least a day, you’ve seen this message at some point:

Access denied error, seen here in its natural habitat.





This is easily solved using the old right-click -> Run as Administrator routine, but what if you need a script to run a command, or an entire script as administrator?  In this post I go through the three scenarios I’ve come across for running some Powershell commands as an administrator; a single command, an entire .ps1 or batch file, and a entire script from within the script calling it.

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Upgrading to Raspian (Jessie) on Raspberry Pi

So you’ve just gotten your new, shiny Raspberry Pi, and you’re installed Raspbian on it.  Raspbian installed with NOOBS (New Out of Box Software) is a version called “Wheezy”, which as some of you may know, is not the latest and greatest release.  If you need help installing Raspbian, the Raspberry Pi Foundation has a great how-to here. But if you’re ready to go,  upgrade to Raspbian Jessie with these steps.

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Internet Slowdown Day

Today is Internet Slowdown Day, the day where Internet users, big tech companies, and those that are in between things to believe in band together to fight the ever-present threat against Net Neutrality.  Some of the biggest tech companies around such as Netflix, Mozilla, and Reddit are banding together to get the word out that the changes currently being discussed at the FCC can have real consequences unless we all do something about it and make our voices heard.

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